copyright photo: Wilfred Paulse, Brasil.
Summer 2017-2019 Académie Internationale de Musique de Colombes
Summer 2016 Improvisations pour le piano seul in Paris/ Klavierrezital - Improvisationen in Berlin
fr: Suite à la parution d'un CD "Improvisations avec Bachir" (DUX / Naxos 2013, avec Bachir Faramarzi et Pedram Khavarzamini, producteur: Sanaz Khosravi) et à des concerts à Londres l'été dernier, pianiste Jozef Kapustka présente ses nouvelles improvisations cette fois-ci à Paris. Roger Thomas a écrit dans l'International Record Review: "la contextualisation complexe du jeu pianistique de Kapustka est un bel exemple [d'intérêt contemporain dans la tradition musicale de l'Orient], son lent développement hors du temps et l'espace ayant pour le but la construction des structures sonores qui semblent scintiller comme des mirages de désert " . Luc Nevers dans la revue "Pianiste" (France) remarque: "Le santour persan, (...) le tombak (...) s'associent au piano pour créer une série d'improvisations. Elles réunissent, dans des harmonies inextricables, les traditions et cultures orientales, perses, arabes et occidentales. On songe parfois aux musiques hypnotiques de Gurdjieff et de Hartmann (...) Inspirateur de ce programme, Jozef Kapustka, fait judicieusement alterner la prima voce entre tel ou tel instrument (...) D'autres caractéristiques encore plus étonnantes surgissent de cette musique. Une découverte intéressante."
La présente série de nouvelles improvisations se distingue de la riche palette sonore et structures polyphoniques / polyrythmiques diversifiées des précédentes, en se tournant vers une approche essentiellement minimaliste, silencieuse et purifiée et en utilisant le mouvement restreint des motifs avec le flux statique comme des moyens principaux d'expression et de narration. Il peut s'agir d'un tableau baroque où les personnages d'un statut inégal se disputent le tétracorde unique, le chorus inquiet dans le fond; ou d'une imposante structure céleste faite de blocs sonores massifs vibrant chacun avec une intensité différente, ou encore d-une vision fugitive de fils de soie, plaintifs, emportés par le vent... L'ensemble qui dégage une poésie étrange à quelque chose d'un rituel à la fois onirique et chamanique, induisant le public soit vers une transe initiatique soit vers une douce folie...
de: Jozef Kapustka hat seine Musikbildung in Polen begonnen und zwei renommierte ausländische Musikhochschulen abgeschlossen: The Juilliard School in New York und Royal Academy of Music in London. Er hat an vielen Meisterkursen und Festivals teilgenommen, er hatte die Gelegenheit, die Konzerte in den größten Konzerthallen in Europa und in der Welt zu geben, u.a. in dem New Yorker Lincoln Center und Carnegie Hall.
In seinem Repertoire hat er sowohl die klassischen, romantischen als auch die modernen Kompositionen. Die letzte Platte des polnischen Klavierspielers mit dem Titel "Improvisations with Bashir" (samt Bashir Faramarzi und Pedram Khavarzamini), herausgegeben im Jahr 2013 durch DUX/Naxos ist Beispiel der großen, ``hypnotisierenden`` Klavierimprovisationen in Verbindung mit moderner Auffassung von traditioneller Musik des Nahen Ostens. Diese Platte ist in Deutschland in der Vermittlung der Geschäfte Musicline, Schlaile und JPC zu kaufen. Die neusten Improvisationen von Jozef Kapustka verzichten auf die reiche Tonpalette, Polyphonie und Polyrhythmus des Plattenoriginals zugunsten der minimalistischen Einstellung im Bereich der musischen Expression und Narration. Die momentan präsentierte Suite ist die "Improvisatio III", lebendiges Barockbild, in dem die Gestalten mit ungleicher Position um den einzelnen Tetrachord streiten, der kommentierende Chor im Hintergrund, dann heftige, himmlische Struktur, die aus massiven Tonblöcken gebildet ist, wo jeder Ton mit unterschiedlicher Intensität vibriert ("Improvisatio IV") und frei fließender, klagender, Seidenfaden "Improvisatio V". Das Ganze oszilliert zwischen einem eigenartigen Schamanenmysterium und einer tiefen, unterbewussten Meditationssitzung. Die Premiere von ``Improvisationen`` hat im Sommer 2015 in London stattgefunden, wo sie für einen der besten Vorschlägen der musischen Kultursaison gehalten wurde.
Summer 2015 World premiere of Improvisatio III-IV-V in London
"Jozef Kapustka improvising , one of the best upcoming classical concerts in London : The Polish pianist Jozef Kapustka, (...) famous for his mesmerising improvisation technique (...) " Josephine Gambade, The Culture Trip (UK)
June 10 - July 3, 2015 World premiere of "Improvisatio III", "Improvisatio IV" and "Improvisatio V".
"Following the release of a CD "Improvisations with Bashir" (DUX/Naxos 2013, with Bashir Faramarzi, Pedram Khavarzamini, producer: Sanaz Khosravi) pianist Jozef Kapustka presents his "Improvisatio III", "Improvisatio IV" and "Improvisatio V" in a series of recitals in some of London's most popular concert venues.
As Roger Thomas has described it in the International Record Review, Kapustka's " extensive solo piano workout is a fine example [of contemporary interest in the Eastern musical tradition], its slowly developing, restrained extemporizations building sonic structures that seem to shimmer like desert mirages". Luc Nevers of the "Pianiste" review (France) called Kapustka's improvisations "hypnotizing", pointing out to an interesting discovery on the contemporary classical music scene.
The present set of three new improvisations moves away from the rich, diversified tonal palette and polyphonic/polyrhythmic structures of their predecessor, towards distinctively minimalistic, silent and purified approach, using restricted motivic movement and static flow as main means of expression and narration. "Improvisatio III", a Baroque tableau where characters of unequal standing are disputing the single tetrachord, commenting chorus in the background, is followed by the towering, celestial structure made of massive sonic blocs, each vibrating with different intensity ("Improvisatio IV"), and freely flowing, plaintive, silk threads of "Improvisatio V".
In the United Kingdom Jozef Kapustka has been recently heard in Franz Liszt Piano Concerto No.2 with the Leamington Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jenny Barrie. Valentine Smith of Stratford Herald reports: "For many the highlight of the evening was Liszt's Piano Concerto No 2 in A Major. The new Holy Trinity grand piano was expertly played by guest soloist Jozef Kapustka and with the Leamington Sinfonia providing accurate support, this was a real treat, the resulting ovation was heartfelt and deserved."
Polish-born Jozef Kapustka graduated from New York Juilliard School, where he studied with Josef Raieff and Jerome Lowenthal; and London Royal Academy of Music, studying with Martin Roscoe. Besides his solo piano career that has taken him to all corners of the globe, faithful to the ecclectic agenda he is currently working on a Yiddish revival project with singer/actress Barbara Suie. Jozef Kapustka lives in Paris.
"Following the release of a CD "Improvisations with Bashir" (DUX/Naxos 2013, with Bashir Faramarzi, Pedram Khavarzamini, producer: Sanaz Khosravi) pianist Jozef Kapustka presents his "Improvisatio III", "Improvisatio IV" and "Improvisatio V" in a series of recitals in some of London's most popular concert venues.
As Roger Thomas has described it in the International Record Review, Kapustka's " extensive solo piano workout is a fine example [of contemporary interest in the Eastern musical tradition], its slowly developing, restrained extemporizations building sonic structures that seem to shimmer like desert mirages". Luc Nevers of the "Pianiste" review (France) called Kapustka's improvisations "hypnotizing", pointing out to an interesting discovery on the contemporary classical music scene.
The present set of three new improvisations moves away from the rich, diversified tonal palette and polyphonic/polyrhythmic structures of their predecessor, towards distinctively minimalistic, silent and purified approach, using restricted motivic movement and static flow as main means of expression and narration. "Improvisatio III", a Baroque tableau where characters of unequal standing are disputing the single tetrachord, commenting chorus in the background, is followed by the towering, celestial structure made of massive sonic blocs, each vibrating with different intensity ("Improvisatio IV"), and freely flowing, plaintive, silk threads of "Improvisatio V".
In the United Kingdom Jozef Kapustka has been recently heard in Franz Liszt Piano Concerto No.2 with the Leamington Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jenny Barrie. Valentine Smith of Stratford Herald reports: "For many the highlight of the evening was Liszt's Piano Concerto No 2 in A Major. The new Holy Trinity grand piano was expertly played by guest soloist Jozef Kapustka and with the Leamington Sinfonia providing accurate support, this was a real treat, the resulting ovation was heartfelt and deserved."
Polish-born Jozef Kapustka graduated from New York Juilliard School, where he studied with Josef Raieff and Jerome Lowenthal; and London Royal Academy of Music, studying with Martin Roscoe. Besides his solo piano career that has taken him to all corners of the globe, faithful to the ecclectic agenda he is currently working on a Yiddish revival project with singer/actress Barbara Suie. Jozef Kapustka lives in Paris.
December 2, 2011 Sorbonne-Paris IV Centre universitaire Malesherbes Don, Reflets, Rivières… works by Karol Szymanowski, Galina Oustvolskaya, Morton Feldman set to the poetry of Czeslaw Milosz (1980 Nobel Prize for literature) With Mariola Odzimkowska, Mélodie Richard, Pierre-Fraçois Garel, Martin Maugeais, Arthur Coulet. Czeslaw Milosz Year in connection with the Polish presidency of the European Union multimedia project. More details on the AEP page:
additional information/reservation:
additional information/reservation:
2011 Liszt Year in Great Britain
Concerto No.2 with the Leamington Sinfonia (cond. Jenny Barrie)
on European Commission page:
on britevents pages:
on European Commission page:
on britevents pages:
2010 Chopin Year in France
The Official Chopin Year Celebration Committee pages:
Chopin played on historical instruments ( in French):
Chopin played on historical instruments ( in French):
Acknowledgements: Catherine Day, Renée Sasso..